Práctica with Duolingo!! Day 19

 Hola! Cómo estás?😀

Today, I did a Schedule lesson.
I learned "fin de semana (weekend)" and "pelicula (movie)" in this lesson.
Now, I can introduce my hobby! 
👆Es mi pelicula favorita.

In addition, I found the Spanish grammar doing the practice.
I have a question for you. 
Q. If you want to say "my favorite suitcase", which is correct?
          Spanish: Mi maleta (         ).
        1.favorita              2.favorito

The answer is...1. favorita!
Do you know why??? It's easy if you find a rule. 
As I said before, Spanish nouns are followed by the adjectives and both of them are influenced by gender. If a word is feminine, the end of the spelling is a. On the other hand, a masculine noun usually ends with o.

In that question, "maleta" ends with a because it is a feminine noun. So it is qualified by the feminine adjective. That's why "maleta favorita" is correct.

Now, I'm really enjoying learning Spanish.
I'll do Duolingo Stories tomorrow.

¡Feliz fin de semana!👋


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