Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog

"Zeke is not a dream dog," Mr.Putter said to Tabby when they woke up.
"Zeke is a nightmare."
One day, Mrs. Teaberry came to Mr. Putter's house.
Mrs. Teaberry is his neighborhood.
He sometimes gave her kiwis for lunch. Surprisingly, Mrs. Teaberry slipped on a kiwi and her foot.
She couldn't walk the dog, Zeke. She was so disappointed.😫
Mr. Putter wanted to help her, so he decided to walk her dog for a week.
But walking her dog is not easy.
When he took Zeke for a walk, Zeke tugged and tugged and tugged.
And Zeke wrapped around a pine tree.
At first, Mr. Putter thought Zeke is a dream dog, but now, he didn't think so.
He thought Zeke is a NIGHTMARE!!!

「mr.putter and tabby walk」の画像検索結果


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