The Princess Diaries

   WHAT? A PRINCESS? ME? It can't be true. My mouth opened but no words came out . I started to cry. My dad leaned across the table and touched my hand.

「macmillan princess diaries」の画像検索結果  Mia is a usual high school student in New York until her father tells her a secret. What's the secret? She lives in a apartment with her mother, and her father lives in Genovia which is situated between France and Italy. One day, her father visited them and he takes Mia to the rich restaurant. Then, she will know the important truth. She is a princess of Genovia!! Of course, her father is a prince of that country so she is his heir. If you were Mia, could you believe that truth? Maybe, I couldn't. I would be really panicked because the truth is way too surprising.  Her life drastically changes. When she goes to school, her bodyguard pick her up with limousine. In school, her bodyguard always follows her wherever she goes.

  When I was a child, I want to be a Disney Princess like Rapunzel. Because I thought princess can do what she wants freely. But, after reading this book, I found being a princess is not always happy. Because they have to behave politely, and they must take "princess lessons" all the time. In this book, Mia's grandmother teaches her loyal manners after school every day. If I were a princess, I would get sick of being a princess. Special life sounds interesting, but actually normal life is the most comfortable.

This book is one of Macmillan series and there is a sequel to this book. I'm reading it now. If you take an interest in this book, you should try it!😀


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