Around the World in Eighty Days

    "Listen to this," he announced to his friends."It says it's possible to travel around the world in only eighty days!"
    Despite his friends' laughter, Fogg was convinced he could do it.

「around the world in eighty days」の画像検索結果  Over one hundred years ago, there lived a man named Phileas Fogg. He had spent quiet time for many years. However, one day, he found an article said you could travel around the world in only eighty days. All his friends thought it was impossible, but Fogg was different. He believed that he could do it and he promised his friends to come back in eighty days. During his trip, things aren't always going well. While Fogg was crossing Europe, the police were hunting a runaway thief. The thief really resembled Fogg so the police was trying to arrest Fogg! Could he finished his trip for eighty days safely?

  As Fogg in this book, I have a dream to travel around the world. Nowadays, we can see and know what happens in the world and experience things as if we were in that places through the Internet or TV. But I think we can get more fantastic emotions and experience if we actually go there. So I want to travel around the world.


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